Oh, brilliant and bitter wordplay, EL, well-done! TC

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I have read at least half and based on that want to quote and leave with the quote because I think the question you pose is critical to our future. I know you discuss criticisms of the Ukraine from the US and the expectation of the USSR reclaiming territory, however, this quote needs to stand alone and I hope it generates conversations. "The world should be concerned about the brazen statements, and the fact that Russia is willing to behave like terrorists who ignore all international laws and treaties. What good are all these international alliances if they do not deter war, and have no power to enforce peace?"

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I have to admit I've only read the title, but based on statements in your last article and this headline, I want to ask is Putin wanting to go back to a Tsarist Russia? He compares himself to a tsar, which I wonder what the Russians think and feel about this.

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