Jun 11, 2022Liked by Ex Libris

What is so gobsmacking staggering about this is the direct parallel to the leadup to WWII. The West continues to pretend that it is dealing with anything other than a madman drunk on power and possibly additionally reckless due to drug treatments for lethal illness.

My country has infuriated me more times than I can count in the last five years or so, and certainly in the last two years, but the one thing I am grateful to cling to is the PM's unwavering support for stopping Putin sooner rather than later from the beginning.

You know, whenever we speak of WWII and how easily and quickly Hitler rolled over France, Belgium, The Netherlands, et al., the French get terribly huffy.

But, demme, here we are again, with Britain the only man standing, as it was in 1940, willing to face the truth (even if half the War Cabinet at the time had to be dragged by its fingernails).

It is bad enough the thing itself, but having to realise again that there is, indeed, nothing new under the sun and as a species we remain unteachable . . . that almost hurts more. TC

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I see you have already been thanked and praised, but it deserves to be repeated infintismally because much has been made of the idea of 'relevance' in regards the rogue royals; a concept which is extremely pertinent in this situation because world peace is being jeopardised. I am taking a portion of this article because intellectually, I need to break it down to digest it. June 10

Russia takes soldiers and use as political pawn- mercenaries propaganda tool. Diplomatic negotiations "difficult to near impossible".

"... in order to negotiate (the court of the self-proclaimed DPR) has to be recognised." "And to recognise it would give Russia status" - "that it is part of a Russian Federation".

"People are wondering how did it get to this, where Russia breaks the rules and makes them up as they go along and no one can do anything about it. The only way to stop this tyranny is to defeat the aggressor and then punish them in an international tribunal.

They (British men sentenced to death by Putin) are protected under international law, but we have seen Russia ignore multitudes of treaties and pacts they have signed, and who will punish them? They are a permanent member of the UN Security Council and hold a veto, so no action can be taken against them under the present regulations."

I'm leaving it there, although I know you go into detail and depth on 'three EU members oppose Ukraine's candidate status'. On behalf of followers like myself who care and interested, but need to be helped grasp realities. Also thank you for respecting us by giving us historical background and academic arguments, anaysis and evaluation.

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Why does it seem the world keep giving Russia (perhaps we should be calling it the USSR again) a pass on all their declarations? Whereas Putin keeps making red lines by stating, “if you send equipment, that’s an act of war,” or “if you send troops, that’s an act of war,” or “if you don’t believe me, that’s an act of war.” OK the last one I made up, but since Putin keeps making up crazy excuses, I thought I might as well.

First Putin wanted to de-nazify Ukraine. Then he wants to re-establish the USSR. Now he questions the independence of Lithuania??? I bet if Putin started questioning whether the independence of France, Macron would change his tune.

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Brilliant analysis of a dire situation. Thank you EL for such forensic examination of the information

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