@EL - "The issue to me is that those making the decisions lack the ability to understand Putin, or how Russians think, or what they want Therefore, they are making flawed decisions that are ineffective and that have cost lives. Careless decisions costs lives."

And this has been the crux of problems with Russia for more than century. I believe that those making the decisions may even understand how Putin and/or Russia think, but cannot acknowledge that publicly, or it will beg the question: then why are we trying diplomacy when it is clear that only a massive military defeat will stop Putin?

As the man said, "Crazy is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result." TC

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It is so very disheartening to see so many countries (NATO) standing by and doing nothing. They are fooling themselves that Putin is going to meet them on any middle ground. That isn't what dictators do. And for all the humanitarian efforts, that is just trying to put a bandage on the situation, and fooling many into thinking things will be better for those efforts when it won't even make a dent. At this point, it makes me question whether agencies like NATO or the U.N. have any reason for even being. If they can't be counted on to do what they were created to do, then of what use are they. I don't always comment, but I do so appreciate all that you are doing, EL, to bring us the information, even though it breaks my heart a bit more each time as I read the entries.

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Thank you to EL for the unadulterated facts surrounding this horrendous war; the tragic events continue.

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