I cannot help remembering constantly two sayings: He who will not when he may, when he will, he shall have Nay; and, Crazy is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.

The ICC? Is no one listening to Applebaum's warning that Russia doesn't care about "rules"?

Is not clear that we are dealing with a madman on the doorstep of Europe - again? That he is ruthless, amoral, probably mentally ill at this point, and that he is either stopped or we may consider our precious world order so damaged no one will care about defending it any longer?!

I note that Biden has just issued another "severe consequences!" warning to Russia in re chemical warfare. Didn't we hear that with Obama and Syria, and didn't America, again, back down? Now Syria controls the airspace in that region. Which is to say, Assad controls it.

Does anyone suppose that Putin will be cowering before a man who has publicly announced that under no circumstances EXCEPT incursion into a NATO country will he lead the West into the only military solution to the problem of Putin? And, therefore, giving Putin plenty of scope elsewhere in Europe, because as long as stays out of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Denmark, Iceland, et al., he'll have a free hand? It should be noted that Switzerland and Austria, as well as Ireland, Sweden, and Finland, are non-NATO countries.

Exactly how much more "severe" consequences does Mr Biden envision beyond the already full to the brim economic consequences?

What you are unwilling to defend, you lose. What is the point of saying, Well, Ukraine is gone, but Lithuania's safe, so that's all right then?!

The West shouldn't have made its unwillingness to fight so plain. It isn't dealing with a rational Marquess of Queensbury situation here. What will it take?! TC

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Thank you, EL, for your concise and continuing summary of the days/actions of this terrible situation. I remain solid in my belief that none of the NATO countries wants to be the first to 'declare war' by actively providing the support that the Ukraine needs to fend off the Russians. As an American, I'm sorry to say that, historically, my country has tended to drag its feet and been one of the last to throw in their physical support more often than not (especially in WW I and WW II), and I have no doubt the same will happen given our current Administration's ideologies--although I am hoping beyond hope to be proven wrong on this thinking, and we will see the NATO countries actually prove to be more than just words on paper! I so feel for the people of the Ukraine, and also Russia, neither of whom did anything to warrant these abhorrent changes to their lives, and the terrible conditions all are now having to deal with.

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For the first time in history things can and are being reported/shown at warp speed. That the Nuremberg trials started in 1945/6, is a feat in its self, of human determination. Baring in mind many service men particularly POW's were not even home.

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It was heartbreaking watching families burying their loved ones. I also find it quite worrying that men from the Middle East that are pro Russia are offering to fight against the Ukrainians.

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