Russia Proves They Cannot Defeat the Ukraian Military, Oct. 10, 2022. Revenge missile strikes 2 days after the explosion on Kerch Strait bridge. Over 20 cities targeted with 83 missiles. 55% shot down. 301 settlements in 5 regions remain without electricity a day or so. TARGETING CIVILIANS AND ELECTRICAL GRID ARE WAR CRIMES. Childrens' playground in Kyiev struck by missile. '...this time, the war crimes are in the full light of day for the world to see.' Russia wants to appease the hardliners admitting that it is genocide (the new strategy) because Putin's army losing on the battlefield. WE HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO KILL YOU, IF YOU SAY THIS LAND BELONG TO UKRAINE AND YOU'RE UKRAINIAN. Total cost of 83 long range missiles - $700 million. Before Russia claimed that it was a valid military target. 'Terror attacks'- hit civilians - to destroy the hope of the Ukrainian people.

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Ex Libris, you are not the only person asking the question, 'How many civilians have to be killed before NATO decisively says to Putin enough! ' Australia is benefitting because an aggressive China is seeing how unified the West is.

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Why hasn't the UN expelled, or at least, suspended Russia from 'the Security Council'? If there are 2500 Ukrainians detained by Russia, how do we know they aren't being used as cannon fodder; only patriotism to protect them from being used as weapons, or the possibility of torturing them for information. It seems President Zelensky has kept a lid on information being leaked.

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From a distance it's easy to say this war is so frustrating when it is acknowledged by so many that Putin is the aggressor but the killing of Ukrainians continues and the situation remains perilous as "talks" continue after seven months of death and destruction.

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