Jun 23, 2022Liked by Ex Libris

@EL - This makes for nearly unbearable reading, especially the fates of the photojournalist and his friend.

Lithuania is a NATO country. Any suggestion of military action across Lithuania's borders will precipitate exactly what, even in his madness, Putin should be at pains not to ignite.

The EU is, militarily, a toothless entity. It cannot sustain any worthwhile defensive military engagement, let alone an offensive one. The only two nations the EU had with military forces worth a tinker's curse were Britain and France. Britain is out (although it is hardly likely we would refuse to join our still-neighbours in this instance), and Macron is now a lame duck in France after the parliamentary elections last weekend. There is no telling whether or how much a now equally splintered French government would respond to a military crisis within NATO. I believe both Melenchon and Le Pen are not tremendous fans of NATO.

So, things are most concerningly complicated, now. One can only hope that most will see that there is nothing complicated about making Putin, shall we say, redundant. And, increasingly, it is clear that nothing but complete defeat will do that. TC

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022Liked by Ex Libris

I pray it doesn’t come to Russia invading Lithuania or Finland. Should that happen, I am glad to hear that they are publicizing their willingness to fight back, with EU backing (Finland) and presumably NATO backing (Lithuania). NATO should preemptively declare that if Belarus enters Ukraine to assist Russia, then NATO would consider that an escalation, or act of war. Much like Putin has been drawing lines in the sand since the get-go: “No fly zone” = escalation, “Weapons supply” = escalation, etc…

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