What country would store or stockpile ammunition and hazardous explosives in large quantities, capable of blowing it and shoppers to smithereens, in a shopping mall? The Russians are laughing at the West.

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Can someone please explain how Russia and now China can make laws legitamising 'war' , by redefining invasion, killing of civilians, displacing/dispossessing millions of people by destroying homes, cities, infrastructure 'a military operation'.

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Talk, talk and more talk in the face of deceit and deception by the Russians. Russia claims the explosion and fire at the civilian shopping mall was caused by ammunition stored therein. I notice E-L has earlier referred to the illness Putin may be suffering, which I have noticed the media has been referencing for months now. If in fact Putin is suffering a terminal illness, the mad man is determined to leave this earth fighting to restore the former USSR no matter the cost of lives lost and human suffering.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Ex Libris

I have nothing to add to EL's, as always, superb summation of the latest round of pain and grief generated by another power-drunk madman, and the status of the West's response.

I would like to not here, however, that the new Head of the Army in Britain, Gen. Sir Patrick Sanders, stated publicly a day or so ago that this "our 1937 moment", and that Britain "must be prepared to fight and win to prevent the spread of war in Europe".

This is no small input, and sadly supported by those who have died in Mariupol and now in the Kremenchuk mall.

I fervently pray they have not died in vain. TC

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