Good afternoon, all! We had friends visiting and I had to absent myself for a couple of days, so I am just catching up here. I should say that Ukraine was the subject of endless conversation around the table, and beyond the immediate horror, the secondary feeling was along the lines of plus ca change plus c'est le meme chose. Cynicism and helplessness regarding the world, and the ugly realisation that Might, does indeed, make Right - still. And that is a very dangerous by-product of this all too visible demonstration of same. It's one thing to watch this after growing up in countries where a competing outlook has never taken hold. It's another to grapple with it after growing up in a region where the competing mythology is sold to us from primary school on.

I think, for what it's worth, that Putin is also stuck in the past. Not just in terms of the Russian "empire", but in terms of being flexible enough to realise that he's throwing good money after bad, that this isn't Chechnya any longer, and that things have changed since 1999 (and even then, it took ten years and the population, I believe, is under two million) by continuing to kill children and bomb theatres and schools he's going to end up losing more than he can gain by crushing a much larger country and ending up a world pariah afterward.

Putin is stuck like a fly in amber in the Chechen era, but doesn't realise that this time it's going to cost him far more. What in reality does he gain by crushing Ukraine to be able to say that is part of Russia, when he knows full well that he's sitting on burnt ashes and the global economy is going to isolate him for the foreseeable future, leaving him totally dependent on China, partially on India and places like Syria and Iran, and that he's going to be fighting a ten-year insurgency of a much larger country being armed by the West, when, really, he could find better things to do with the next decade?

If anything should demonstrate to the West how hopeless is the idea that Putin can be contained and reasoned with without resorting to extremely enhanced military help to Ukraine, the last week should. The West's contortions are beginning to look as looney as Putin's reasoning.

What happens if and when Putin is done, Ukraine is crushed, and Poland, Romania, the Baltic states, Finland, Sweden, find a lunatic Russian madman in control of a large country parked right on their borders? What, exactly, is NATO going to do then? Mass forces installed in those countries?

It's the kick the can down the road strategy that lost Syria, lost Europe in 1939, lost Georgia, Chechnya, the Crimea, Hungary in 1956, Bosnia 25 years ago, Campuchea in the 1970s - how long, oh Lord, before the penny drops? For how much carnage are we willing to express our horror and regret, but not risk a thing to stop? Without even the excuse that it was an internecine civil war on another continent, cf. Rwanda and Darfur and the Dem Rep of Congo and Campuchea? Look at what is raging in Ethiopia now.

How many times can we do this and still moan about how absolutism is making a comeback globally, and still sell our Freedom and Democracy product in schools, churches, on the BBC, SKY News, the TIMES (both of them), the Guardian, etc., etc., ad nauseam ad infinitum?

The problem with the modern era is there is nowhere to hide because of the reach of modern media. They can't say they didn't know what was going on, as they did with the camps until they opened them in 1945.

This will end with no benefit to anyone. The fact that it won't benefit Putin, as well, is small comfort. TC

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Quite frankly, IMO, if Putin was serious about the possible cease-fire and deal that Turkey and other pundits are throwing about, then we would’ve had a bit of stoppage in all the shelling and other military activities. As we know, there has been absolutely no stoppage any activities from the Russian side of things, which to me is a clear indicator that Putin is talking smoke and mirrors. Saying what NATO and others want to hear, while all the time he has no intention whatsoever of giving up his pursuits of taking over the Ukraine and onward to other countries. NATO Has completely failed in the one thing it was formed to deal with. Very disappointing and extremely discouraging.

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Watching the news this evening, the sight of Putin holding a rally in Moscow was so reminiscent of Hitler and just as sinister! The sight of thousands, some wearing the 'Z' symbol, was as sinister as those who wore the swastika! Some were there under orders from their employers, others were promised a day off work! Propaganda in motion, eerie in the extreme! The mad man was in his element! Meanwhile, peace talks stagnate, more empty words spoken but no action and much more suffering for the innocents of Ukraine. 🇺🇦 EL, I read your daily write up of events and I feel the frustration you feel that little is being achieved and fear its too late for a peaceful solution to this war. The time and effort you put into each write up is appreciated. Thank you.....

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Words fail me, however i hear you loud and clear el, history will record that NATO with empty words stood by and allowed a humanitarian crisis to evolve, my main fear now, is will man ever learn from past mistakes, i guess not, not from what i am witnessing today. Your soul shines bright el.

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I have just added that today is the 8th anniversary of the illegal annexation of Crimea which is being celebrated in Moscow. If NATO and other EU leaders and the like think that a ceasefire will halt Putin's plan to reunite the USSR then they really needs to read up on Russian history or history in general.

The plan is to brainwash a generation of Russians into believing the annexation was acceptable and the right thing to do, and to encourage them to seek to reunite the old Soviet Union. In Hitler's day it was books and pamphlets, now Putin can do videos and propaganda.

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022

What I feel about how NATO and some other countries have reacted to this Russian invasion and its seemingly determined attempt at annihilation of a peaceful independent nation is simple. I feel ashamed. IMHO there will be a full scale war in any event because we have left it too late to act. Consistently we have turned away from confrontation with Russia despite two separate acts of chemical murder in our own cities. London and Salisbury. In Salisbury the novichok container contained enough of the substance to kill thousands and yet nothing was done. Our country received no support in our condemnation of that monster and so we the UK. USA and EU. Implicitly encouraged the bully and tyrant to press on emboldened by our capitulation. The annexation of Crimea was accepted and so it goes on. It feels hopeless.

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While Putin hails his Z "special operation" a success, NATO and other countries who support Ukraine and want a ceasefire should not expect Ukraine to give up any land to Russia, just because they (other countries) don't want to get involved. NATO has failed in their purported role as a peacekeepers. Putin, just like Hitler, cannot be trusted.

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