EL I can think of no reply worthy of the words you have written and the images you have shown.

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May 22, 2022Liked by Ex Libris

You’re absolutely right that these images are horrific.

It’s incredible how clueless the Russian troops are to not realize that they are on CCTV. This makes trying war crimes that much easier as now there is video evidence. Of course, rather than building a war crimes case, it is much more important for this to end entirely.

I feel so helpless and unable to make a difference. I so appreciate what you, @EL, are doing by documenting what’s happening, and more importantly, what’s not happening. So disappointed in all the world bodies that were meant to prevent this type of aggression in the first place, and to provide assistance for countries under attack in the second place.

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How could Ukraine possibly been prepared for what has transpired. I've seen pictures of Mariupol before and after and the Russians now claim it has been "liberated"!! This is truly barbaric and the killing continues by Russian solders; the unspeakable horror when young children are raped before they are killed. Man's inhumanity to man!!!! I have no other words.

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Words fail me, however i will say this world we live in is a very sad place, i will also say will man never learn from past mistakes, clearly not.

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