I continue to be appalled at the "Big 3" (NATO, EU, and UN) and their deplorable lack of action to date. I don't understand how all those politicians can look at themselves in the mirror, or sleep well at night, knowing how their inaction has led to so many deaths and so much destruction. And how their continued 'blah-blah-blah' talking is not ending anything, nor will it, as Putin has never shown true willingness to end anything except on his terms of 'winner-take-all.'

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I can't believe the fence sitters can justify the horrors that can only be described as inhuman and barbaric! I wake each day hoping someone somewhere can see Putin must be stopped before Ukraine is pulverised and its remaining citizens anialated! Sounds melodramatic but how else can this war end if no one can walk the walk instead of talk the useless talks!? So much evil is now emerging of the atrocities, and much more to reveal as this war goes on. How much longer can this war be watched and observed without positive action?

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EL - As I said in response to your earlier summary, this is evil genocide.

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